Friday, October 28, 2011

Luke 17:8 “But will he not rather say to him, ‘Prepare something for my supper, and gird yourself and serve me till I have eaten and drunk, and afterward you will eat and drink’?
In this verse, the master presents the expectation that even though the servant is fatigued from his day at work, he must resist being strengthened by food until his Master has eaten and drank himself. Obviously, our Lord is a gentle and caring Master but at times, as His bondservants, He does ask us to do hard things for the furtherance of the kingdom.
 When you haven’t had food for a while, especially after a very laborious day you become very weak and it is often hard to have a good attitude from the hunger pangs. I was thinking back to the times that I have served the Lord. When I feel weak either physically or emotionally, I often back off from serving and put my needs before others.
I want to apply this to my life by serving even when the flesh is weak God can be made strong through me. I want to serve with a happy heart to the end asking God for His forgiveness when I find myself begrudgingly or simply not doing what He has placed before me.
Luke 17:9 “Does he thank that servant because he did the things which were commanded him?” I think not.
As a servant, he would not even expect a thank you because he was doing what was commanded him. For some reason, this servant is indebted to his master and as payment, he does whatever the master needs done.
When I “serve” others I am just doing what the Lord has commanded me to do. I am indebted to Him and I need to look at my serving not as a gift of my choosing but obedience. If I were not to do the things commanded me then it would be disobedience.
I want to apply this to my life by looking at serving as an act of obedience not of choice. I am commanded to serve and I desire to be obedient unto my Maker.
Luke 17: 10 “So likewise you, when you have done all those things which you are commanded, say, ‘We are unprofitable servants. We have done what was our duty to do.’”
Out of obedience, these servants had done what they were commanded to do….and were unprofitable servants. Unprofitable caught my attention. It was not that the servants’ work was unprofitable to their master or whoever else they were serving….it was unprofitable to their own bank account. Physically they gained nothing for themselves.
However, as servants of the Lord we have eternal profit that we will receive on Judgment Day. Even though we may not gain anything for ourselves physically, we can have pleasure in the fact of doing something for someone else that helps them out and gaining eternal riches in heaven. On this earth, there is a satisfaction that we gain.
I want to apply this to my life that even when something is unprofitable for me to do for myself, I will remind myself that it is not unprofitable to the ones I am serving. There are eternal and physical rewards in doing what is our duty to do.

Monday, October 24, 2011

Luke 17:7 “And which of you, having a servant plowing or tending sheep, will say to him when he has come in from the field, ‘Come at once and sit down to eat’?”
Here this verse is describing the life of a true servant; constantly putting others others needs before their own. As Christians, we are called to be bondservants to the Lord Jesus Christ constantly serving unto Jesus freely out of our gratitude for what He has done for us.
This verse made me think of the PFR staff here. They are constantly serving whether that is physically, emotionally, or spiritually. Their serving doesn’t begin or end at a certain time but is continual. When the Lord opens an opportunity for them, they dive in and serve whether that is on their day off or during a meal time, it’s continuous.
To apply this to my life, I want to start to look for practical ways to help serve because where there is unity, there is strength. Today, I will start observing noticing those needs around me; Lord please give me Your eyes so I can see the needs around me.

Thursday, October 20, 2011

Matthew 11:6 “And blessed is he who is not offended because of Me.”
At first, this verse can come across quite shocking. Why would I ever be offended because of God? However, this made me think back to the time when my mom’s dear friend (who was very much like an aunt to me) died about five years ago to breast cancer. I remember being angry that God had allowed this to happen. I think that this is what God is talking about when He says not to be offended because of Him. I should not be offended because of the things that God allows to happen in my life.
 This last week my eyes were opened up to the fact that there is not a straight line from Jesus’ thoughts of me to my circumstances. So often, I can interpret when things are not going well in my life that God is not happy with me. No, in these situations I need to reflect back to the cross because Christ showed His ultimate love towards me though this sacrifice of His son for me. This demonstration of love indicates His feelings for me.
I want to apply this to my life that when I catch myself thinking more self-centered and caught up in my circumstances, I need to look back at the cross. I need to be filtering all my circumstances through the greatest act of God’s sacrificial love for me.

Saturday, October 15, 2011

For if anyone thinks himself to be something, when he is nothing, he deceives himself. Galatians 6:3
How often have I thought throughout life that I was or did something better than the person next to me? I hate to admit it….but it is true. There are many times in my life that I have thought of myself higher than I ought. Too often, I focus on comparing myself with those around me in life instead of comparing myself with the Lord Jesus Christ. Jesus came to this earth in human form and was perfection in all He did. I am so far away from this standard, for Christ not only fulfilled His actions but also His thoughts according to God’s standards.
The next time I am starting to judge someone or compare myself to them, I want to stop and evaluate how my actions compare to Jesus because He is the only one I should be striving to be like and comparing my life towards.
But let each one examine his own work, and then he will have rejoicing in himself alone, and not in another. Galatians 6:4
This verse made me think of the many times that I have been convicted in an area of my life and tried to make steps to follow in obedience to what God was telling me. Often, what seems like a big step to me seems insignificant when I look at those around me.
I need to work on examining only what God is calling me to do instead of comparing myself to what others are doing. Instead of looking at what they are either strong or weak in, their gifts, their abilities, my goal should be, God, search my heart instead of looking at those around me.
Galatians 6:5 For each one shall bear his own load.
This verse is referring to responsibility and how I need to take ownership in all areas of my life. Last Friday, Pastor G talked about responsibility and how the choices we make today will affect what we are tomorrow. I need to start taking responsibility where I either lack discipline, self-control, faith, etc. It can be anything. For example, if I am tired all the time, I shouldn’t blame my schedule but rather see if I have a lack of discipline when I go to bed. ….Or when I say I am not a good writer I should ask myself, “Well, are you doing something about it or are you blaming what you can’t do on ‘that’s just how I am.’” True, God does give us all different gifts and talents but am I doing anything to improve the areas I am not good at or struggle in to improve?
I will commit to getting up at six every school day morning for the next week because lately I have been lacking in getting up early and need to “improve” this area of my life again.
Galatians 6:7 Do not be deceived, God is not mocked; for whatever a man sows, that he will also reap.
The phrase “do not be deceived” caught my attention because so often I read over this verse and do not take it fully to heart as if it will actually happen. Often when I do something bad or good, I don’t think that they have strong lasting affects as they really do.
 I want to take this to heart and the next time I have an opportunity to make the right or wrong decision, I want to remember that all I do, I will reap the consequences…whether good or bad. God is not to be mocked and I need to work on taking this verse seriously to heart.
Galatians 6:8 For he who sows to his flesh will of the flesh reap corruption, but he who sows to the Spirit will of the Spirit reap everlasting life.
This verse made me think of the Israelites when they did not believe God would deliver them into the Promise Land. As a result of the Israelites’ disobedience, they ended up wandering in the desert for the next 40 years. The consequences of our choices will multiply. This made me think of the critical time I am in my life right now. I am starting to make decisions now that will affect the rest of my life and the consequences of what I do will be multiplied.
I want to apply this to my life by asking God especially at this time of life to reveal the truth of what He desires for my life. There are so many good opportunities for me to do and accomplish but I want to do what God’s best is for my life.

Saturday, October 8, 2011

Acts 2:43 Then fear came upon every soul, and many wonders and signs were done through the apostles.
The power and majesty of God is being displayed in greater ways through the apostles as their obedience continues to grow and their faith increases. I think it is interesting here that it says, “…fear came upon every soul”. I have found that the more I learn of the Lord here at PFR, the more I reverence God.
So often I picture God as Jesus living here on this earth but I need to see that the Lord lowered Himself to levels I cannot even compare in human standards to save me from my sin. But because His humbled state is tangible and relatable, I often find myself gravitating towards this mindset. This is not right because not only did Jesus humble Himself to great lengths for my salvation but He is also the all-encompassing ruler who knows every detail of my life and future, created the earth and heavens, and will judge at the Great White Throne Judgment.
               He is so worthy to be praised!!! To apply this to my life today, I will piggy back on yesterday’s application. In addition to praying for others and myself I will make sure I also spend a portion of that time praising God for who He is and all He has done for me.
Acts 2:44 Now all who believed were together, and had all things in common,
This verse spoke volumes to me as there is such a variety of students here at PFR. But this situation is not just limited to PFR but extends to my home church, house group, youth group, etc. I know that the believers in Paul’s day most likely came from different backgrounds as well but they were not emphasizing what was different about themselves but instead what they have in common. They all shared a love of Jesus Christ and emphasized on this truth. As is often said here, “Major on the majors and minor on the minors”.
To apply this to my life, I want to make a conscious effort today  to concentrate on what I have in common with the students around me instead of what we have different.
Acts 2:45 and sold their possessions and goods, and divided them among all, as anyone had need.
I love the phrase “as anyone had need”. This reminded me of the song “Give Me Your Eyes” by Toby Mac saying, “Give me your eyes for just one second. Give me your eyes so I can see everything that I keep missing. Give me love for humanity.” I think so often I can be consumed with my own needs that I miss out and do not see those other needs around me. It could be as simple as giving a snack to someone who has none or some cotton swabs to another who ran out. However, here in the verse when it says the believers sold their possessions and goods it makes me think of a more costly sacrifice. I want God to continually be working on my heart to hold not only my money but also my possessions loosely; He truly is the one who has ultimately blessed me with all I have and I need to live out my life like I truly believe it.
God, please continue to give me eyes to see the needs around me that I might walk in faith to do what You have called me to.
Acts 2:46 So continuing daily with one accord in the temple, and breaking bread from house to house, they ate their food with gladness and simplicity of heart.
This verse brought to mind the many meals I have shared with the staff and interns while I have been here. Yes, the food here that Courtney and Izzy make is incredible but what I often remember the most is the fellowship that took place at the meal. I have heard many people say something along the lines of “Kate’s Diner had the best the chocolate cake ever!” and they rave about something they had even years ago, but does this affect their life any more than in the physical realm. Was their life changed?
I was thinking back to the times when I made dinner occasionally throughout these last few years. One specific memory I have is when I was trying to make a special Sunday dinner and my grandparents were coming over that afternoon to eat with us. When they came, I remember being so concerned about how everything was turning out and all the things that I had to do over fellowshipping with them. Yes, it is important to make it nice when guests come over but what is going to have eternal value? Could a meal change their life? No, but rich fellowship shared over a meal can.
Application: When I go home in three weeks and people come over or even if it is just my family and I make dinner some night, I want to remember this verse. I want to be more concerned about the love of Christ my family and friends experience more than how delicious the meal tasted.

Monday, October 3, 2011

And they continued steadfastly in the apostles’ doctrine and fellowship, in the breaking of bread, and in prayers. Acts 2:42
This verse is the result of thousands coming to the saving knowledge of Jesus Christ. I was thinking how each of these acts of the new church apply to my life. Here at PFR we are constantly studying doctrine, fellowshipping and sharing meals with one another but I have not been as consistent in my prayer life I could have been.
As we are starting out technology fast tomorrow, I am eager to pursue God even further in my prayer life. I will start by making sure these next two weeks I go to sleep every night praying instead of thinking of all the things I need to do for the next day. I will pray for my family, the teams that just left, and personal direction and strength.

Saturday, October 1, 2011

Surely goodness and mercy shall follow me all the days of my life; And I will dwell in the house of the LORD Forever. Psalm 23:6
I am so thankful that God’s forgiveness/mercy is there all the days of my life. This made me think back to the times of the Israelites where they would make daily sacrifices to atone for their sins. However, it is so simple for me. All I have to do is come to Christ with a humble heart yet once again and ask Him to provide that atonement. I am so thankful that God always provides a way out; He never just leaves me hanging.
The second part of the verse really ministered to me as well…”and I will dwell in the house of the Lord forever.” Up until about a week ago, I was not truly excited for this time of eternity. Yes, I knew that it would be so much better than living in this world BUT there were so many things I still wanted to accomplish here on this earth. About a week ago, we were studying escatology and what it will look like in the end days. God will create a new heaven and a new earth were we will rule and reign with Him forever. How glorious to think that everything on this earth is truly just a shadow of what God has in mind for us. He has more majestic things in store for us that we cannot even dream up. This made me so excited and now I am in eager anticipation for that time.
I want to apply this to my life by continually reminding myself when I feel caught up in the things I want to accomplish here on this earth that I have a greater reward just waiting. I need to be patient; but if I wait and commit my life to this one goal, my life will be spent in the best way possible.