Thursday, January 26, 2012

John 2:10 And he said to him, “Every man at the beginning sets out the good wine, and when the guests have well drunk, then the inferior. You have kept the good wine until now!”
I have heard this verse used as a correlation to what happens with the world. The world tries to impress you in the beginning with the “good” and “tasteful” pleasures of this world enticing you in only to reap the consequences later. How grateful I am that we have something greater than this earth waiting for us…Jesus Christ himself in complete paradise. That is exactly how Jesus works…he doesn’t draw you in with the best leaving you hanging with a bitter taste in your mouth. No, He gets better every time…you always have something to look forward to with Jesus Christ.
Application: (I keep writing this in my IBS’ because I want it to be a continual habit in my life) Keep looking towards the goal of Jesus Christ, my savior and Lord, being with Him in complete paradise. I need to recognize that earth is not my home…Jesus Christ is and that is where I need to find complete fulfillment and contentment.
John 2:11 This beginning of signs Jesus did in Cana of Galilee, and manifested His glory, and His disciples believed Him.
To think, this was only the beginning of the signs that Jesus did and the fact that He could choose how much and to whom He manifested Himself is important to me to note. What a special time Jesus must have had with His disciples. I find it incredible how Jesus knew when and to what extent He should reveal His glory during His ministry, for the fullness of His glory has yet to be revealed.
 This shows the importance of having close communion with the Father. It takes discernment to know how and when to handle different life situations that come up in an ordinary day… whether that is my response to a comment someone makes about the Lord, somebody else, or me. I need to have that constant communion with the Father throughout the day never ceasing to pray asking for His guidance.
God, I thank you that you are a discerner of the hearts and that Jesus Christ submitted to all the plans that the You had for Him to accomplish even when it was painful or inconvenient. God I desire and seek Your constant communion that I might fulfill all you have for me this next week.
John 2:14 And He [Jesus] found in the temple those who sold oxen and sheep and doves, and the money changers doing business.
I think this verse is quite interesting because note it says, “He found those who sold oxen….” Jesus had a purpose in going to the temple; He had a mission to fulfill. I find this quite incredible because it shows me that nothing the Lord does is in vain. Jesus had a purpose in absolutely everything He did. This gives me great comfort because I know that God has some specific tasks for me to still fulfill in my life these last two months while I am here in Villarreal, Costa Rica. I desire to fulfill whatever God has on His heart for me to do; nothing He does is in vain.
Today, as I go on the bus to Langosta as well as while I am at different events during the day, I will be looking for opportunities that God desires to for me to speak with someone or do something to serve His plan.
John 2:15When He had made a whip of cords, He drove them all out of the temple, with the sheep and oxen, and poured out the changers’ money and overturned the tables.
This account of Jesus has always caught me off guard but it is so important to note that the reason behind His anger was holy and righteous. Jesus was restoring the temple to its original intent…to worship only God. God has a righteous anger hating anything that is not of Him to the extent of doing what it took to stop it. God’s radical desire for holiness drove Him to do great things for His name. This made me question my own life. Am I radically in love with holiness and righteousness that if God asked me to do something, I would be willing to do it out of my love for Him and who He is? This could be as simple as speaking up when others have crossed the line of foul language or sitting next to the person nobody wants to be around. It is going against the grain to follow through in Christ’s example.
Today, I commit to speaking up and standing up for righteousness even when it may seem radical in the moment or uncomfortable. I love Jesus Christ and I desire to live out His example in my life.
John 2:16 And He said to those who sold doves, “Take these things away! Do not make My Father’s house a house of merchandise!”
Oh, what a sad place the Lord’s holy temple had become. We as humans all have to fight the urge of being consumed with ourselves and our wants. Most of the time to obtain these wants, it requires money…which is exactly what these people were taking in the temple….stealing money from God’s people. This grieves me that a place such as the holy temple could become such a place of greed and self-consumption, yet when I look at my own heart where the Holy Spirit dwells, I am reminded how many times I have allowed these same thoughts and actions to be manifested in my heart. Joe Focht, a pastor of Calvary Philadelphia, constantly quotes, “Money is an excellent servant but a cruel master.” Money can serve you for a little bit but you are always going to want more if you do not find your contentment in Jesus Christ.
Application: I want to see the value and aim to be more giving with my money to those around me including being generous with my belongings or time. Giving and finding my contentment in the Lord are the only ways I will be able to continually overcome this in my life.

Friday, January 20, 2012

John 1:49-50 Nathanael answered and said to Him, “Rabbi, You are the Son of God! You are the King of Israel!” Jesus answered and said to him, “Because I said to you, ‘I saw you under the fig tree,’ do you believe? You will see greater things than these.”
Verse 49 is stating Nathanael’s response to Jesus informing him that he saw Nathanael under the fig tree.  As humans, we are so prone to respond to signs and wonders in the moment. In testing times of my life, I have doubted the love of God because I felt like I should have seen a sign to a request I made. Yet, His love is never based off of my present circumstances but on the love that He demonstrated on the cross. The cross is Christ’s ultimate example of love to us. Yet, at the same time, we see the shallowness of what Nathanael expects out of Jesus…God has so much more to offer than what we often ask. Am I asking for patience? Courage? Peace? A greater love for Him?...all these things He desires to give to me…all I need to do is ask.
Application: I am going to start praying for more specific Godly characteristics to be seen in my life. He desires to show these in a greater way in my life all I need to do is ask.
John 2: 2-3 Now both Jesus and his disciples were invited to the wedding. And when they ran out of wine, the mother of Jesus said to Him, “They have no wine.”
I love how even though Jesus Christ was the Son of God, He still participated in the normal daily events of life…like going to a wedding. I think it very interesting here that Mary new immediately where to seek help even with something as practical as what to serve at the wedding. There was no doubt in her mind that Jesus would know what to do. This shows great faith on her part because Jesus was her Son but in her heart she treasured the things that God revealed to her. (Luke 2:19) She didn’t let the physical become greater than the spiritual promises she had received.
To apply this to my life, I want to seek God with even the very practical and basic things of life. He is the One I should go to for all my answers no matter how great or how small…He wants constant communion with me even in the practicalities of my life.
John 1: 4 Jesus said, “Woman, what does your concern have to do with me? My hour has not yet come.”
I think it very interesting how Jesus responds to Mary’s need in the previous verse. At first, it could look as if He doesn’t care about her request, yet it is amazing to see how His tone appears so loving at the same time. It’s as if He is testing her to see her motive. The biggest thing that always touches me about this verse is how he addresses her, “woman” which in the original language is a very endearing term to call a female.
This verse made me realize that I don’t always have to understand why Christ does certain things in my life. In the following verses, we see how Christ still fulfills Mary’s request for more wine for the wedding but He does question her. This speaks to me that even when I am not sure why God does something, I need to keep pressing into Him…He hears my requests. This doesn’t mean that He will always answer how I desire. I am not going to be able to fathom everything about Him because I am merely human but Christ is infinite and He accomplishes glory through our live using situations and tools of life that I won’t be able to comprehend until eternity.
John 2:5 His mother said to the servants, “Whatever He says to you, do it.”
What a command, “Whatever He says to you, do it.” Oh, how this is so true and right and yet so hard to abide at times. I think of how God called Abraham to leave and go to a land God had promised him, yet Abraham had no idea where that land was. Abraham had to solely rely on the Lord for direction…what a call of obedience.
So often, maybe I know what I need to say but I don’t say or act on it because it is uncomfortable, scary, or unknown. Whether that is confronting someone, sticking up for righteousness, or taking the humble job, when Christ asks me to do something, I want to jump full force. That is what we are called to do and I want to walk in obedience to that.
 Application: There is something specific that the Lord is speaking to my heart to do today…and I am going to act on it instead of letting it slip to the side. If God is calling me to do something, I want to be obedient no matter how inconvenient or apprehensive it might make me feel. I need to be obedient.
John2:7-8 Jesus said to them, “Fill the waterpots with water.” And they filled them up to the brim. And He said to them, “Draw some out now, and take it to the master of the feast.” And they took it.
What an amazing example of faith on the servant’s part in obedience to Jesus. When Jesus told them to fill the waterpots, they didn’t just fill them full but they filled them to the brim. Then after they obeyed Him in that request, Jesus went a little farther and told them to serve it to the master. It doesn’t say here that they tasted it first; instead, they brought it straight to the master. I know if I had been one of the servants, I would have been really nervous I was serving something to the master without any assurance except my own faith that it was good wine. The master would also be in front of all his wedding guests adding extra pressure to the situation.
Application: Yesterday, I was learning about obedience, and following through. Today I feel like it would be faith. When I act in obedience, I need to have faith that God is going to meet me and accomplish what He desires through my obedience. I can testify to how God used my obedience that I spoke of yesterday to bring about what He desired in the situation, and I need to keep on believing in future situations.

Saturday, January 14, 2012

John 1:45-46 Philip found Nathanael and said to him, “We have found Him of whom Moses in the law, and also the prophets, wrote--Jesus of Nazareth, the son of Joseph.” And Nathanael said to him, “Can anything good come out of Nazareth?” Philip said to him, “Come and see.”
Here in these verses, Philip is trying to persuade Nathanael to come with him and see Jesus. How interesting it is to me that Nathanael’s familiarity with Nazareth turned him off from pursuing to know Jesus Christ further. How often do I doubt or stop pursuing something  because I feel like I am already familiar with the subject?
This brought me to a startling conclusion. As I am seeking to know the Lord more especially in this time of my life, I need to make sure that I stay consistent with my personal times with Him outside of listening to sermons, IBS, and reading books on Christianity. All these are amazing and excellent things to do to grow in the Lord, but it is vital to be refreshed by the living streams of the word as well…He is the only place that I will be fully filled.

John 1:47 Jesus saw Nathanael coming toward Him, and said of him, “Behold, an Israelite indeed, in whom is no deceit.”
Jesus immediately identifies what Nathanael’s lineage is and a character trait that defines him as a person. This comment of Jesus “in whom is no deceit” caught my attention. Deceit can me dishonesty or deception…  For me, straight out lying is not something I am struggling with in my life right now, yet I began to think how deception can be a problem on many different levels. Am I always honest around others whether that I communicate with others? Am I genuine in expressing my real opinion or feelings. This quality is obviously important to the Lord as He points this out in the verse; therefore, it is important to make it my aim to do the same in my own life.
God, please search my heart and find those areas where I am not being totally honest with myself or others that I may walk in complete honesty and genuineness towards those around me.
John 1:48 Nathanael said to Him, “How do You know me?” Jesus answered and said to him, “Before Philip called you, when you were under the fig tree I saw you.”
How comforting this thought is…God is all-knowing and all-seeing. Before reading this verse, I knew that no matter where I was or going through, would never seperate me from God’s love (Romans 8:39). Yet, after reading this verse it stuck out to me that I am never out of earshot or eyesight of God. He is omnipresent.  He is so worthy of all my praise.
Whenever I am feeling alone, unheard, or scared I can fall back on the truth that God never leaves me nor forsakes me and is constantly mindful of me, his daughter, Janessa.

Tuesday, January 10, 2012

John 1:42 And he brought him to Jesus, now when Jesus looked at him, He said, “You are Simon the son of Jonah. You shall be called Cephas” (which is translated, A Stone).
How grateful I am that Jesus sees us in the completed form…here Jesus is no longer referring to Simon by his original name meaning “he has heard” but as Cephas meaning “A Stone” …Simon had now heard the good news and he was to stand strong as a stone in the things he would hear. God sees past our present state into our glorified and sanctified being.
God, thank you that when You look on me, you see me clothed and surrounded in your Son and His righteousness. Please help me to look at others with this same filter. It is not always easy to see through that but I know that you are able God to give me that strength just as you did Paul. 
John 1:43 The following day Jesus wanted to go to Galilee, and He found Phillip and said to him, “Follow Me.”
God has chosen each one of us just as He chose each of His disciples. It is so special to think that I have been chosen by God; He knew before the foundation of the world who would follow Him and who wouldn’t. I am so thankful (as it says in Psalm 139) that God knew me in my mother’s womb before anyone else knew my eye or hair color or even my name. If I were to only fully grasp this, it would give me completeness in so many that I do not fill in Him but in my own strength.
God, I thank you that you knew that I, Janessa, would follow you as you handpicked me to do your work. I am thankful that you are mindful of me no matter where I am. Oh Precioso Padre, I pray that I would never count my salvation as something of myself but only from You.

Friday, January 6, 2012

John 1:39 “He [Jesus] said to them, “Come and see.” They came and saw where He was staying, and remained with Him that day (now it was about the tenth hour).
“Come and see”, Jesus says to these disciples. To me, this is the key ingredient for discipleship…come and observe. Learn watching. This is a key tool to have in life because Paul said that as Believers in Christ, we are to constantly be pouring into someone while also being poured out to someone else.
Here in Costa Rica, there are some women that I really admire and desire to learn from them. I need to take action, to go and observe them in…ministry, among their kids, etc. At the same time, there are a group of girls at the youth group who are younger in the faith that God has given me an opportunity to pour into. As I see that need, I should be more proactive in inviting these girls over to go do things with me, Karlee, and Shaylene…whether that is in our home, making cookies for the church, or going to the beach. I need to be proactively searching out opportunities to learn as well as making myself available for these girls to come and be a part of our lives if they desire.

Thursday, January 5, 2012

John 1:38 Then Jesus turned, and seeing them following, said to them, “What do you seek?” They said to him, “Rabbi” (which is to say, when translated, Teacher), “where are You staying?”
I love how even though Jesus is all-knowing, He still asks them what their intention was….He desires for us to communicate our motives, thoughts, and desires. God is so much higher above me than I can ever hope to understand or fathom but He still cares about me vocalizing my thoughts to Him. I love how praying is solely communicating with God….
Application: This week, when appropriate, (as I am living with other peopleJ), I am going to vocalize my prayers out loud to Him instead of just saying them in my heart or writing them in my journal. All these are excellent ways to have communion with God but I will be more aware of speaking out loud to the Lord as I am praying when I am alone.

Wednesday, January 4, 2012

John 1:33 “I did not know Him, but He who sent me to baptize with water said to me, ‘Upon whom you see the Spirit descending and remaining on Him, this is He who baptizes with the Holy Spirit.’
Here John the Baptist is sharing with those around him of a revelation that God had given to him so that he might know who the Son of God was.
 I think it is interesting that in verse 31 it states how John could only baptize with water but Jesus baptized with the Holy Spirit. When John baptized with water, he was doing it out of obedience to what the Lord commanded him to do. In us there is nothing that gives us power but God graciously bestows the power that raised Jesus from the dead in us. Even though Jesus Christ had all of this power in Him, he did not flaunt it….John the Baptist did not even know Jesus before it was revealed to him by the Holy Spirit.
 Do I live my life to stand out or in humility (ordinary) while living out the power that God has given me in my life which is extraordinary?
John 1:34-36 “And I have seen and testified that this is the Son of God,” Again, the next day, John stood with two of his disciples. And looking at Jesus as He walked, he said, “Behold the Lamb of God!”
How fascinating….John didn’t stop once to proclaim that Jesus Christ is the Son of God. This is an excellent word for me in my life because I need to challenge myself… How often do I proclaim the word of God once and think, “Good I am covered now…I don’t need to keep sharing because I have already done it once.”?
This is a reminder to me to never stop sharing my testimony with others…as time goes on my testimony does not fade but because more powerful as I draw closer to God. Share…God has allowed me to go through different situations in my life and I need to be using what He taught me during those moments to share with others.
John 1:37 The two disciples heard him speak, and they followed Jesus.
Here the disciples heard John the Baptist proclaim that Jesus was the Son of God (vs. 36) and immediately follow Jesus. It is very interesting to me how these disciples just drop whatever they were doing beforehand and follow. They were eager to pursue truth.
When I see truth, an opportunity to partake of the things of God, do I drop everything and follow in hot pursuit? I want this to be said about me…that when I hear or see of an opportunity that God is clearly giving me, I wholly pursue it.
As I am looking ahead to all that next year holds for me, I need to be willing but also ready in my heart to do whatever He asks of me. I want to pursue truth and anything outside of His calling for my life is false.