Thursday, September 29, 2011

You prepare a table before me in the presence of my enemies; you anoint my head with oil. My Cup runs over, Psalm 23:5               
How true this is that when I am going through the midst of a trial, God is always faithful to meet me. I can think of several specific times in my life where my time with the Lord was truly what was giving me strength to endure.
The phrase “my cup overflows” caught my attention. Some might say how can you be filled with the Lord if your surroundings look so discouraging? Yes, I might feel discouraged when things around me look bleak but my soul is filled with the Lord’s strength because He knows exactly what I am going through.
I want to apply this to my life today by writing down some of these specific times of my life where He has filled my cup to overflowing despite what surrounded me.

Wednesday, September 28, 2011

The Lord is my shepherd; I shall not want. He makes me to lie down in green pastures; He leads me beside the still waters. Psalm 23:1-2
How true it is that in the Lord’s presence I feel the safety of His shepherd’s heart and am so filled with His love that I desire nothing but Him. The next phrase….”He makes me lie down” caught my attention because to lie down refers to rest. He desires rest not only for my soul but also my physical body. I also noticed where He led David to a place with green pastures and still waters, His creation. I thought of how many times I stop to enjoy the beauty of His creation. Often when I am outdoors, I am doing activities or busy thinking of other things. I am completely surrounded with beautiful mountains, trees, and lakes here at PFR, yet I have not recently just enjoyed the stillness of His creation. I want to spend some time quieting myself before the Lord outside. I will get up tomorrow morning to watch the sunrise while I read His word.
 …This morning when I went outside to read His word, I was amazed by the magnitude of His glory. Something about reading His word while looking at the tangible beauty that He has made around me made me more aware of His awesomeness.
“He restores my soul; He leads me in the paths of righteousness for His name’s sake,” Psalm 23:3
Restores: give back
How many times do I fail in something God has commanded of me and I feel defeated? I don’t want to remember what I had done because I am frustrated with myself and sinful nature. I am so thankful that I have this promise that God will restore my soul. He will give me back restoration which was once ours tracing all the way back before Adam and Eve sinned. I am so thankful that God did not think it beneath Himself to restore a relationship with me when I have absolutely nothing in and of myself to offer. Everything good I can give Him is because what He has already given me.
The second part of the verse, “He leads me in the paths of righteousness” makes me think of all the times that I have had alone time with God. During these times, I am given renewed strength to follow Him in all that He has placed before me. Here at the ranch, I have had several specific situations in where I did not know what to do. The Lord then completely met me and gave me a clear answer of what to do as if He had said it Himself.
To apply these truths to my life, I want to first continually remind myself when I know I have messed up again that God has and will restore me to a state of righteousness because of Jesus Christ. Secondly, I want to obey when God speaks to me. Yes, the Lord can speak to me and direct me on where I am to go but I need to constantly be surrendering and doing what He is speaking for me to do. It is a choice.

Friday, September 23, 2011

Isaiah 55:9 “For as the heavens are higher than the earth, so are My ways higher than your ways, And My thoughts than your thoughts.”
When I read this verse, I thought, definitely, God’s ways are higher in purity, goodness, and holiness than my ways (the world’s ways) and His thoughts over my thoughts. But then I started to prod deeper. Do I really honestly believe this in the deepest parts of my heart? Do I truly believe what God says about who I am over what the world says I need to do or be? Do I believe education or knowledge is more important than knowing all the inmost parts of God’s Word?
 I don’t want to take this lightly, but I want God to search those inward parts of my heart and see if there be any wicked way in me. (Psalm 139:23)
 “For as the rain comes down, and the snow from heaven, And do not return there, But water the earth, And make it bring forth and bud, That it may give seed to the sower And bread to the eater, So shall My word be that goes forth from My mouth; It shall not return to Me void, But it shall accomplish what I please, And it shall prosper in the thing for which I sent it.”
What a wonderful promise to rest in; when God speaks it always accomplishes what He pleases. He is omnipotent. What joy this gives me that when I sense the Lord telling me something in my heart to share with someone else, it will accomplish what He desires for it to accomplish. Sometimes I share what I feel the Lord is telling me and I feel discouraged because I can’t see how the Lord is working on their heart through what I said. However, just as it says in verse 8 that God’s thoughts are not my thoughts; He can see the person’s heart I cannot. My responsibility lies in being obedient to speak what God is telling me.
I want to work on trusting to obey when God speaks to me even when I don’t see the results I was expecting immediately. I want to also be continually faithful in my devotional times with Him that I might hear even more clearly that still small voice of the Holy Spirit directing me throughout my day.

Wednesday, September 21, 2011

Seek the Lord while he may be found. Call upon him while He is near. Isaiah 55:6
I was slightly taken aback by this verse because it is very clear that God is omnipresent. However, I think that this is referring to the fact that when the Lord reveals Himself to us and opens up our eyes to the truth, dig down deep. Take advantage of hearing God’s voice because the Devil will try to drown out what we are hearing from the Lord. This way then when the Devil does try to come to kill, steal, and destroy, we will have a solid foundation to fall back on.
I know that the foundation and relationship I have with in the Lord has carried me through many a time where either the Devil has tried to discourage or lead me down a different path. Because I knew where I needed to turn, I was able to come out of these different times of my life.
To apply this to my life, I want to renew the mindset I had at the beginning of this program. I need to keep pressing on to make the most of this time that I have to dig deeper into the Lord at PFR. In addition to this, I want to continue to seek Godly counsel in all areas of my life.
Let the wicked forsake his way, And the unrighteous man his thoughts; Let him return to the Lord, And He will have mercy on him; And to our God, For He will abundantly pardon. Isaiah 55:7
God is such a gracious God. I think that it is interesting here that the Lord uses the word “let” or allow the wicked to forsake his way. Often, I think that when I see the mistakes or wrongdoings of those who do not love the Lord, I get frustrated and want them to change in a snap. But here it is saying to allow these people to forsake their ways. Give them time. My job is not to persuade them but to present the truth to them. If they are not open to the truth, my responsibility then lies in praying for them that THEY may forsake THEIR sins and not just me forsaking their sins. I want to act in the Love of God and not the wrath of God.
I want to apply this to my life that when I share the Gospel with others, I want to let the Holy Spirit do the convicting. I am to show them Jesus and let Jesus reveal to them their sin.
Isaiah 55:8 “For my thoughts are not your thoughts, Nor are your ways My ways,” says the LORD.
How often do I say or think something that I go “Yes! I am finally starting to get a handle on my thoughts and I gaining the mind of Christ. I want to stop right here and examine the mindset I presented. “Me” it’s me giving myself these good things…right? Wrong! I need to realize that in and of myself there is nothing good; but through Christ who strengthens me, (Phil. 4:13) true love and good thoughts are poured into my heart. I want to make myself of no reputation as Paul said so that only God receives glory.
It is like me taking the credit for a batch of secret brownies when all I did was mix the already measured ingredients into the bowl, pour it into a pan, and place it in the pre-heated oven. I didn’t figure out how much of each ingredient to put in or moreover buy the ingredients myself. Everything was set before me; all I had to do was “OBEY” with the strength He has given me.
I want to apply this to my life by directing praise to the Lord. Because no good thing is in myself but ONLY from the Lord.

Saturday, September 17, 2011

“And which of you, having a servant plowing or tending sheep, will say to him when he has come in from the field, ‘Come at once and sit down to eat’? Luke 17:7
Here we see Jesus using another parable from daily life to apply to our spiritual walk. As I read this verse, I compared myself to the servant as a servant of God. Unlike what would normally be expected, the master is offering rest after the long day of work the servant has had. How often after serving the Lord in some capacity do I expect Him to fill me up with strength after it? Moreover, I have a heavenly treasure that is my reward for the things I do for Him. However, shouldn’t I not even stop to rest but continually serve Him because that is all He does for me? I am in never-ending debt to the Lord for all He has done for me eternally as well as on this earth.
I want to work on viewing my serving as a time in the big picture of all He has given me as a response of my gratitutde. Often, I think that what I am doing to give to Him may be significant but it is quite the opposite. Nothing that I can do even brings a glimpse of what God has done for me. Thank you Lord!
“But will he not rather say to him, ‘Prepare something for my supper, and gird yourself and serve me till I have eaten and drunk, and afterward you will eat and drink’? Luke 17:8
When I read this verse, I immediately thought of the PFR staff and how they continually serve me to the very end of the day. There is always someone who gets up early in the morning to serve breakfast for me and the interns followed by someone teaching the Word of God and strategy in missions. I continue to be served up into the night as either they are spending time with me to be an encouragement or folding the clothes I left in the dryer. I am inspired by the people around me that true ministry does not end at dinner time or the end of the shift like the average worker. Ministry is 24/7 constantly around the clock. If someone gets sick at one in the morning and needs help, they are there to serve. If I need time to talk, someone else is there to have a listening ear.
 I want to apply this to my life by trying to serve outside of the times it is required. This could include helping on KP (dish duty) even if it is not my week or taking note of another sister who may need a listening ear.  Ministry is constant and I desire to learn more of the mindset and actions of what it means to be a minister.
“Does he thank that servant because he did the things commanded him?” I think not. Luke 17:9
I was thinking of this verse in terms of a bondservant of the Lord. How often do I do things for the Lord but do I still look for the acknowledgement or thankfulness of man?
 For example, if I were to fold someone’s laundry out of love for them, I shouldn’t look for them to notice. I should only be looking to the Lord for He sees everything. The acknowledgement of men only lasts a while but the reward of being with the Lord in heaven is eternal.
I want to apply this to my life by looking to see something I could do this week were no one would know I did it only the Lord.

“So likewise you, when you have done all those things which you are commanded, say, “We are unprofitable servants. We have done what was our duty to do” Luke 17:10
Here the servant has done everything that he was required to do finishing his tasks. However, unlike you would expect, the servant tells himself and those around him that they are unprofitable. I have often heard that when you go into a place to serve where there is deep need, the task often becomes overwhelmingly daunting making your constant efforts appear worthless in the grand scheme of things.
 I know that when I go to Costa Rica or any place in the world and I see daunting needs before me, my immediate reaction will be to try to fix everything I can in sight.  I was struck by the phrase Jean McClure said that you have to reach the one you can reach and hug the one in front of you referring to the children in Africa.
 I want to apply this to my life when I go to Costa Rica and wherever God leads me in the future, to touch the life, make the meal, or paint the house that He puts before me one step at a time. God knew that we would not be able to accomplish everything when He said the poor will always be with you. My job is to let God carry the burden and to be obedient to what He places before me.

Monday, September 12, 2011

So the Lord said, “If you have faith as a mustard seed, you can say to this mulberry tree, ‘Be pulled up by the roots and be planted in the sea,’ and it would obey you.” Luke 17:6
Here I think it is amazing how Jesus gives us such hope of what just a tiny bit of faith can do. As a mere human, I am often swayed by what I see. For example, if a classmate were to tell me I had two weeks to do my Chemistry homework instead of one I would probably doubt it until I actually saw the schedule myself.  Often, I will ask God multiple times for proof or a sign that I am making the right decision; He is so gracious and patient with me.
I pictured a tree being uprooted and being planted in the sea and how amazing that would be. Plant it in the sea?...that seems like an impossible task in itself, yet God says it is possible if I have faith as small as a mustard seed. Obviously, I would not go out and command a tree to do that because that would be testing the Lord, but it gives me the confidence to ask for things that I believe to be a part of His plan for my life or the life of others.
I want to ask God for bigger and more specific things for Him to reveal and teach me as I am at Potter’s Field. I think it is very interesting that Jesus even spoke of a specific type of tree. He is God of details and it is very important that I am specific in my prayers.

Saturday, September 10, 2011

“Be angry, and do not sin”: do not let the sun go down on your wrath. Ephesians 4:26
When I first read this verse, I was struck by the phrase, “Be angry”….be angry?.... but the following phrase is critical…and do not sin. Anger is a natural part of life but it is how I deal with this anger that is the real issue. Do I meditate on how mad I am in a situation or do I ask God for His strength to help me deal with the anger and to gain His perspective?
Do not let the sun go down on your wrath. This is a verse that was instilled from an early age in my home. It was always shown and expected that before I went to bed that I work out any conflict I might have had between myself and one of my siblings or parents. This totally affected my relationships. If I didn’t work out the situation the night before, it would carry into next day until I finally worked it out. A little issue can quickly turn big if I didn’t work it out the night before; the quicker the better.
I want to apply this to my life by making sure that when I get into conflicts, I want to remember that the quicker I work it out the better. Anger is a natural feeling it just depends on how I respond in situations.
“…nor give place to the devil.” Ephesians 4:27
When I read this verse, I immediately questioned if there were areas in my life that I may not purposely but more subconsciously be giving the devil room to put thoughts in my head that are not of God. I pictured my heart and all the different aspects that my heart contains. My heart should be so full of the Lord that the devil would not even be able to squeeze in the cracks of my heart.
I think above all else, I need to work on putting all my thoughts before the Lord. Whenever I start to sense the devil tempting me with something, I want to slam the door of my heart and ask God to put a lock on it to help me keep that thought away and solely on Him. I believe that my thoughts can have more power over my life than sometimes I give credit for.
To apply this to my life I want to meditate on what Philippians 4:8 says, “Finally, brethren whatever things are true, whatever things are noble, whatever things are just, whatever things are pure, whatever things are lovely, whatever things are of good report, if there is any virtue and if there is anything praiseworthy-meditate on these things.”
Let him who stole steal no longer, but rather let him labor, working with his hands what is good, that he may have something to give him who has need. Ephesians 4:28
I love the concept of this verse. As I was reading the beginning of this verse, I thought, “Yes, it is excellent and right that however someone can, they should work as hard as they can to support themselves.” The next phrase struck me…that he may have something to give him who has need. God does not want to only have me work that I might support myself but also help others in need. I love the idea of the never-ending cycle of people rising up, supporting themselves, and giving to others. This reminded me of when I read George Muller’s biography. This man could not stop his love of giving. He gave to missionaries constantly and was always looking for more opportunities to be able to give more than he already was.
 I want to challenge myself to be more giving. I want to look at my jobs as not only a way to support myself but also give to those who are in need or missionaries who are furthering the Lord’s work because this is clearly a desire and command from the Lord.
Let no corrupt word proceed out of your mouth, but what is good for necessary edification, that it may impart grace to the hearers. Ephesians 4:29
Edification (Webster’s Dictionary): instruction and improvement esp. in morality
Here this verse is speaking of the tongue, one of the most powerful tools that God has given us. First, Paul addresses that nothing evil should come out of our mouths meaning everything that is not of God. …As well as what is good for edification. Edification is instruction and improvement in morality which makes me think of exhortation. Exhortation can be encouragement as well as correcting someone to better their walk with the Lord. It has always been hard for me to correct others because I don’t want to offend. Yet, at the same time correction produces life if done in love. If I truly love someone and want them to grow in the Lord, I need to be willing to help show them the way. God has made us each uniquely allowing for some to be strong in leadership and others in hospitality. In order for us all to become more like Christ, we need to be iron sharpening iron. It is clear from this verse that the result of edification is life bringing good to those around you.
I want to apply this to my life by speaking up and edifying those around me both in encouragement and exhortation as God prompts me.
And do not grieve the Holy Spirit of God, by whom you were sealed for the day of redemption. Ephesians 4:30
Grieving the Holy Spirit…I was saddened by this because I wonder how often do I grieve the Holy Spirit but I don’t consciously acknowledge it. Every time that I do something contrary to what the Lord says, I am grieving the Holy Spirit.
The Holy Spirit is my seal that comforts, encourages, and convicts my heart from the day I was saved to the returning of Jesus Christ. As the seal upon my life, He knows every thought and can see all that I do. How often do I get angry at someone in my heart or think something selfish and do not do anything about it on the outside but what about in my mind? I think that since I didn’t act on it I am “safe” but I have still grieved the Holy Spirit because He sees my thoughts when others don’t.
 I want to work on being more consciously aware of the thoughts and take them captive immediately.
Let all bitterness, wrath, anger, clamor, and evil speaking be put away from you, with all malice. Ephesians 4:31
This verse describes many different responses of evil that I should not live in. In my heart, I should have malice against these evils that I might not be tempted into doing them. How often would I describe my efforts not to sin as hatred? Every day, my goal and aim is to live like Christ, yet often when temptations come into my head I need to apply vigor and fight against evil. I need to not only be defensive but also proactive. I should not just be putting on the armor of God to defend myself but also filling myself with the Word of God which will enable me to proactively doing the things of God. However, since I am born with a sinful nature it makes it very difficult to conquer myself which can only and truly come from the power of God because with God ALL things are possible. I need to draw all my strength from Him continually putting on the armor of God and filling myself with His truths that I might defend and live out the things of God.

Friday, September 2, 2011

That you put off, concerning your former conduct, the old man which rows corrupt according to the deceitful lusts, Ephesians 4:22
This verse describes the results from having heard of the Lord and being taught by Him (vs. 21). The more time that we spend meditating on Him and allowing Him to work through us, the more we become like Him. We start taking off our former conduct and the person that we were earlier in life and allow God to keep teaching us. I have seen here at Potter’s Field that if I allow God to show me things I need to give up or change my perspective on, it is because I am open to Him talking to me. For example, God has really been showing me how everything that I own or am given is ultimately His. God has really been convicting me to give to Him as others give to me….because ultimately every good and perfect gift comes from the Lord. I feel like the Lord was trying to show me this earlier but I needed to be willing to be taught by Him and open because He is always speaking.
I was also struck by the phrase “to put off” our former conduct. I have heard this phrase numerous other times but it really struck me to completely take off the former self. I find that I can still have parts of my former self in the back of my mind. I strive to go forward but am I completely taking off everything that I am holding onto?
 For example, if I were to put in a daily life situation, I could relate it to wearing a sweatshirt on a hike. As the day progresses and it gets warmer, I decide to take off my sweatshirt. I would then put it in my backpack and continue hiking but I still did not remove the sweatshirt completely from myself. I want to make sure that as God reveals things to me I want to remove it by completely throwing the sweatshirt off down the mountain instead of putting it in the backpack for safe keeping.
“…and be renewed in the Spirit of your mind,“  Ephesians 4:23
Renewed….the verb renew can mean to be both improved and repeated. I was thinking what it means to be repeated in the Spirit of my mind. When I think of my mind having the Spirit be a part of it, it reminds me of my conscience. The armor of God describes the Bible as the sword of the Spirit. I think this verse is referring to continually reading the word of God throughout the day every day which in turn will improve our minds to be more like Christ and ultimately affect our conscience.
When I read the Word of God, I want to make sure that I ask the Lord to not only speak to me but to shape my mind to be more like His. I want my convictions stronger, my confidence in who He is, and what is of Him more solidified in my mind.  This next week, I commit to ask God to renew the Spirit of my mind each time before I read His Word.
“….and that you put on the new man which was created according to God, in true righteousness, and holiness.” Ephesians 4:24
Here it says that the new man or a believer was created according to God. God’s first and foremost desire was to have man full of His righteous and holiness. He is the only one who came make something truly righteous and holy. Often, when I see the mistakes I have made, I think, really, is there hope for me to truly be like Christ. I can be surrounded by amazing people, leadership, and teaching and still struggle with wrong motives or thoughts because I am human. It just shows how human I really am in my own strength, but here it says that God created “the new man” in true righteousness and holiness.
I came away with hope and expectation for what God will continue to do in my life, for He promises that He will be faithfully complete the work He started in me until the day of Christ Jesus. This can only come through constant surrendering to God. I have to be willing for Him to transform me every day more into the likeness of Himself. Every day, I want to continue to ask God to make me more like Himself acting in true righteousness and holiness.
 Therefore, putting away lying, “Let each one of you speak truth with his neighbor,” for we are members of one another.” Ephesians 4:25
When I read this, my immediate reaction was “Oh, this is a good reminder but it doesn’t really apply to me because I don’t struggle telling the truth.” Then I thought about it on a more daily and practical basis. How often do I say that I am doing good but inside I am down about something. It is not honest; I want to work on this. More often than not, I am having a great day but I don’t let a lot of people know if something is going wrong. I need to work to be more transparent and open with those around me. I don’t want to put up a wall trying to protect myself because as a body of Christ we are to be open and honest with one another.
I want to apply this to my life by working to be honest and open with those around me.
“Be angry, and do not sin”: do not let the sun go down on your wrath. Ephesians 4:26
When I first read this verse, I was struck by the phrase, “Be angry”….be angry?.... but the following phrase is critical…and do not sin. Anger is a natural part of life but it is how I deal with this anger that is the real issue. Do I meditate on how mad I am in a situation or do I ask God for His strength to help me deal with the anger and to gain His perspective?
Do not let the sun go down on your wrath. This is a verse that was instilled from an early age in my home. It was always shown and expected that before I went to bed that I work out any conflict I might have had between myself and one of my siblings or parents. This totally affected my relationships. If I didn’t work out the situation the night before, it would carry into next day until I finally worked it out. A little issue can quickly turn big if I didn’t work it out the night before; the quicker the better.
I want to apply this to my life by making sure that when I get into conflicts, I want to remember that the quicker I work it out the better. Anger is a natural feeling it just depends on how I respond in situations.