Wednesday, November 30, 2011

John 1:4 In him was life, and the life was the light of men.
In God there is life, (vibrancy and joy). This is what people should be attracted to when they see us interacting with our family, friends, and even the cashier. I was struck by something said at the ranch… if someone tells you they like you and would have never guessed you were a Christian that is a HUGE warning sign and wake up call. I knew we were to aim to be like Christ but I never had thought how significantly different we should be that there shouldn’t be any question that we are different. Because we are to be living like Christ, it should be very obvious there is a light about us, a pureness of heart and joy in our countenance.
To apply this to my life, I want to consciously be thinking throughout the day how each of my actions affects how people look at Christ especially these young kids at PFR.
John 1:5 And the light shines in the darkness, and the darkness did not comprehend it.
In this verse, we as believers are to be a light “shining” in the darkness, the world. However, because the world is dark, it will not understand why we love reading God’s Word, why we have values on what comes first in our lives, and why we want to be bondservants instead of demanding our own rights. It is beyond understanding for anything to understand something that is completely opposite of itself. This is exactly why God has to open the eyes of unbelievers that they may see and know the truth.
To apply this to my life, I want to remind myself consistently to have patience and understanding with unbelievers who can’t understand why I value certain things in my life. I need to be like Paul not looking at people in the flesh but in the Spirit and what Christ can do through them. God please help me have Your heart for Your people.

Monday, November 28, 2011

John 1:3 All things were made through him and without Him nothing was made that was made.
 All things tangible and non-tangible God made. He made everything!!! This is a very comforting thought to me as I am far from home…God made my home in Oregon and God made Costa Rica. Without God’s creation everything would be nothingness. No matter where I am God’s fingerprints are on it. My home and Costa Rica are each part of the world that God made and I am in a season of being able to serve a different part of the world.
To apply this to my life, I want to keep mindful of how thankful I am that God made everything. Because He is Creator of all, He knows are inmost desires and thoughts. (Ps. 139) I want to be constantly asking God to help me be a blessing to these people of Costa Rica. He knows what blesses them the most and what is most meaningful in their culture. I need to rely on God the Creator that I might fully bless them because in my own strength, I can do nothing in and of myself.

Saturday, November 26, 2011

John 1:1 In the beginning was the Word and the Word was with God, and the Word was God….
In the beginning was the word. To me, this is saying that when time began, the Word already existed and God had the Word with Him because it was Him. This struck me in a new way…God’s Word is God’s authority for me. It encourages, exhorts, rebukes, guides, comforts, and gives peace.
I am realizing here on the field that if I do not faithfully keep my time with the Lord I will be dragged down by the cares of this world. To stay strong and pour out, it is vital for me to pour in by reading His Word and meditating on it. Every time that I do spend time with the Lord I am always strengthened. Today, as it is Thanksgiving J, (but every day we should be thankful) I just wanted to write down how thankful I am that the God of the universe gave me His Word to read and be taught by Him. I am so incredibly thankful for the peace and strength that He gives me and the guidance He fills my mind with when I listen and make myself available staying attuned to His voice.
Today, I want to apply this to my life, by having a conscious mindset of thankfulness for ALL that God  has given me but especially for His Word. He is so generous and I am truly grateful.
John 1:2 He was in the beginning with God….
Here in this verse, I believe the “He” could refer to the Bible because it says in the previous verse that the, His Word, is as God himself. “He” could also refer to part of God as either God the Father,  Jesus, or the Holy Spirit. Even though God is all three parts: God the Father, Jesus, and the Holy Spirit, they are in unity as one God….all at the beginning of time. This comforts me tremendously because even though my finite mind cannot fully grasp this idea of God being three in one, He has the power to do it. He was there in the beginning before time even began.
This is so encouraging to me especially now in my life in Costa Rica….because often I feel helpless trying to  understand what the locals are speaking with my limited knowledge of Spanish. God has the power…and is willing to help me comprehend all that I need to know for the glory of Him. He has the power to help me overcome the language barrier and be a blessing to these people. He has the power to overcome my weaknesses.
I want to apply this verse to my life by remembering that when I get down about not being able to speak the language as fluently as I would like…I need to ask and remember that God has the power and control to give me the strength to persevere and understand.

Thursday, November 3, 2011

1 Corinthians 13:5 “… [Love] does not behave rudely, does not seek its own, is not provoked, thinks no evil …”
This verse tells us that love is considerate of others thinking about those around them instead of themselves. Love is not easily angered by an offense, and when an offense is made, love continues to believe the best instead of assume the worst (as is the normal response).
The phrase that really caught my attention was that love “does not seek its own”. In life, I have the constant mindset of choosing the option that best fits my needs, most convenient, and most enjoyable for my circumstances instead of looking for what would best benefit someone else. Seeking not just observing to discover what would profit others before me. Also, just as equally important is being open and joyfully accepting whatever God has placed before me even if that means being in a situation that is out of my comfort zone or is not to my liking. If I desire to be like Christ, the most essential element of the Christian life is agape love which is described here.
I want to apply this to my life by seeking out other’s needs, wants, and desires including those who I enjoy to be around and those I don’t.  Christ did not just observe what others needs were but He went above the “normal” expectation and actually made an effort to serve others before Himself. For example, when He washed the disciples’ feet, He made a conscious effort and went above and beyond the expected call of a “servant leader” demonstrating this love to all even the one who would betray Him into an excruciating death.