Monday, February 27, 2012

John 3:30 “He must increase, but I must decrease.”
I think it is so interesting that this verse does not imply there is a certain moment where I have increased Christ and decreased myself “enough” or “finished”. This is an ongoing process, which reveals a constant need of dying to self and redirecting…. praise, decisions, or people’s attitudes back to the throne of the Lord asking Him for the strength to respond as He would. The longer that I am a Christian, the closer, I believe, I should aim to live out this statement. It is something I should be continually looking to perfect in my life because I will never arrive until I stand before God clothed in the righteousness Jesus Christ.
I have found that no matter who I am around there is always a certain element of dying to self where I have to say, “What would she/he like to do today? How is she/he doing? How should that affect my attitude around her/him? Does she/he need a word of encouragement? How can I serve her/him today with my actions and words?” It is esteeming others higher than oneself…Jesus said that if you have done this (His example: giving a glass of water) to one of the least of the brethren, you have done it to Me, Jesus Christ Himself. Oh, how I desire to show Jesus how much I love Him and one of the practical ways I can do that is through serving.
Application: I am going to find something specific today to serve my team today to demonstrate practically my love for Jesus….God, please give me strength….as our Ignite theme song sings, “More of you and less of me…”

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