Friday, August 26, 2011

Let love be without hypocrisy. Abhor what is evil. Cling to what is good. Romans 12:9
Let love be without hypocrisy…..this essentially means to have Christ’s love in us which is an outward and inward expression. When I love people through the day, I want to be sure that I love from my heart and not just with my actions. Almost anyone can put on a show for a while but God’s love is seen in the mind and heart not just in actions.
The second thing in this verse is that we are to abhor what is evil and to cling to what is good. What really caught me here was the word “cling”. When I am clinging to something, it is in a situation where I need to survive and if I let go I know something bad will happen. This is true for things that are good. I want to hold on desperately to the things of God that I might not be drawn away into what could lead to death. I want to be in survival mode clinging desperately to God and not letting go no matter what.
When I go to Costa Rica, I will have to cling to the things of God. My team and I will be stretched and challenged. In order “to survive” I will need to make sure I am constantly reading God’s Word and meditating on His truths of who He is and what I should invest my time in.
Be kindly affectionate to one another with brotherly love, in honor giving preference to one another. Romans 12:10
Here we see we are to give preference to one another with honor. When I am honoring someone, it is because I want them to be put higher than they already are. I was thinking about when I give preference to someone else, I should put what someone else needs or what would put them higher than me. How often I think of myself throughout the day?…I’m tired, I need to get this homework done, I want to go do this with that person. How often do I honestly think of how others are feeling or what they could use help with throughout the day and make the initiative to ask? Do I constantly think of how I can make my family and my sisters and brothers in the Lord feel like God’s “chosen” because of how I treat them? I want them to sense God’s love through me that they can’t help but feel blessed and honored.
I want to work on this in my own life by taking the initiative instead of waiting for others to do it first. So often I let others be the first to take the initiative and then I follow. I want to be seeking out opportunities to put what would bless others before what may be in my comfort zone.
 “…not lagging in diligence, fervent in Spirit, serving the Lord;” Romans 12:11
As I was meditating on what this verse means, the word “ministry” kept coming to mind. This verse, in my opinion, defines ministry. When doing ministry, one must always steadfastly serve. How often do I dismiss doing something because either I am tired or it is not convenient for me to do at the time? True ministry is ALL the TIME no matter whether I feel it is a good day or not whether I am free or really busy. I believe the reason “fervent in Spirit” is in the middle of the verse is because God knows it is not humanly possible to do this. However, with God’s help, I can do all things through Christ who strengthens me.
I want to apply this to not only to my time in Costa Rica and at Potter’s Field, but I also want to be diligent at my home and in my church. I want to constantly be willing to offer my time and resources to further His Kingdom and whatever He is calling me to do to fulfill that. For example, if I am asked to lead worship at my homegroup, instead of dismissing it because of all the homework I have, I want to be willing to do it if that would encourage the other believers around me.
“Rejoicing in hope, patient in tribulation, continuing steadfastly in prayer;” Romans 12:12             
Here are, I believe, are three guidelines to follow especially when going through a difficult time in life: rejoicing in hope, being patient, and continually prayer. I was thinking back to the times that I have gone through harder seasons. The most difficult part for me was always the unknown of when the season of struggle would end. This shows that Christ knew that this would be hard and therefore to be patient. However, we are not only to be patient but also continually praying. Prayer is definitely the strongest weapon that we can use when faced with something because we do not have ultimate control, God does. The third thing this verse says to do is to rejoice in hope. …Rejoicing in hope, makes me think of meditating on the good things that the Lord has blessed me with.
 This is an area I want to especially grow in when I am facing difficult times in life. The more I stay at Potter’s Field, the more I am amazed at how blessed I am. The places overseas that we have been learning about deal with things constantly that I take for granted. Clean water, clean sheets to sleep in, a safe city to live in, food at breakfast are all part of my daily routine. Before, I would not think twice about these standards of living. When I go to a public area in the US and there is a water fountain….I don’t think about getting really sick tomorrow because I just took a drink. I am so blessed. So when I am going through things that may be difficult even on the mission field… I want to keep in mind all the things He has blessed me with. But most of all He has blessed me with Himself…what would I do without the constant encouragement and voice of my Lord. I am so grateful that He is always ready to be closer to me if I am just willing.
I want to practice this in my life by starting to thank the Lord daily for what He has done in my life and continues to do instead of taking the numerous blessings that I have for granted. This, in turn, will get me into a habit of thankfulness that will help me when I faced with tribulations during life.

Friday, August 19, 2011

“For whoever desires to save his life will lose it, but whoever loses his life for My sake and the gospel’s will save it.” Mark 8:35
I can just imagine the surprise of the disciples and people around Jesus as He says this. Here Jesus is speaking about physically and emotionally losing our lives but spiritually gaining it. When we surrender our life, we are no longer our own but Christ’s bondservant to do with as He pleases. Our reward is eternal life in heaven as well as the promise that He will be with us wherever we go through life because for me, to live is Christ, and to die is gain (Phil.1:21).
I want to continue to have the mentality of losing my life for the Lord. However, often, I do not have the goal of heaven in mind as I live my life. I want to constantly be looking to the day when I will be with my Lord forever…the amazing love and peace I will experience is beyond anything that I can imagine. I am so thankful for His grace and mercy that I might be there with Him for eternity.
“For what will it profit a man if he gains the whole world, and loses his own soul?” Mark 8:36
Oh, how this is true. I don’t know what I would do without the Lord with me in this life but also in eternal life with Him after earth. I was thinking through all the pleasures I enjoy on this earth and the things I would like to do…travel, be a teacher, etc.
At the same time, however, I was pondering how long my time on earth is compared to life in eternity. I heard heaven described as drawing a long line across a sheet of paper and then putting a tiny dot on one end to represent life on this earth. When I think of the comparison, I am ashamed to think of the times that I have not followed through with what the Lord asked me to do out of fear, pain, and just earthly selfish reasons. This world has nothing to offer me that will fill my heart and mind. I desire God to be my strength. In the past, I have tried to fill my life with other things and I have truly found that God is the only One that will never make mistakes, knows exactly what to say, and will never let me down. I want to apply this to my life by how I share the gospel. Often, when I share with other people, I am scared of what they will think or if I will have the right answers.
 But how can my soul be saved and enjoy a personal relationship with my Lord on this earth without sharing it with others. Around the world, people are told to live for the dot, but I know something much greater and better that will have everlasting value. For God desires that no man will perish but have everlasting life.  
“Or what will a man give in exchange for his soul?” Mark 8:37
Wow, when I read this verse I thought there is absolutely nothing in this life that can tempt me from wanting to live my life without the Lord, for I have tasted and seen that the Lord is good. There is so much freedom, companionship, and peace when I surrender to Him and live under His control. Truly, God is our [my] refuge and strength, a very present help in trouble. (Ps. 46:1)
At the same time, I am reminded when Paul said that he would be willing to exchange his life in heaven for hell if that meant those he desired to be saved would go to heaven. Personally, I have not been to this place where I have that much love for others that I would be willing to do that. But then I thought about it further; I realized that this was essentially what Jesus did for me. Yes, He overcame death in hell and is now at the right hand of the Father. But first, Jesus had all the sin of past, present, and future placed upon Him and overcame death in hell. He was willing to do this out of his love for me and those who have ever lived on this earth.
I want to make sure that I am continually thanking the Lord for what He has done for me. I never want to forget and under estimate the amazing sacrifice and love that the Lord demonstrated towards me. He is worthy of all my praise and I want to continue to be reminded of this.
“For whoever is ashamed of Me and My words in this adulterous and sinful generation, of him the Son of Man also will be ashamed when He comes in the glory of His Father with the holy angels.” Mark 8:38
When I read this verse I was amazed at the supreme power that God holds over the world, and yet at the same time, God is so humble. He could demand my honor and acknowledgement of His glory but He doesn’t and instead came humbly to earth and died an extremely painful death even though He was innocent.
I am so amazed at God’s love that He does not push me to acknowledge His supremeness on this earth, yet all will see and bow the knee when we are brought before Him in the final judgment. I was convicted the times I haven’t said something relating to the Lord when I should have and I didn’t do it out of fear. For example, if someone asks me why I have so much joy, instead of just dismissing it, I could use this opportunity to share how God has given me joy in my life.
How often do I hold back because I am ashamed of what others will think? This is so wrong because God is to be praised and lifted up. Even if I have fear and I am concerned about what others will think, I need to stand up for what I know is true.
I want to apply this to my life by when the Lord asks me to say something or stand up in a situation, I want to do it because God is worthy of me proclaiming His name.

Monday, August 15, 2011

When He had called the people to Himself, with His disciples also, He said to them, “Whoever desires to come after Me, let him deny himself, and take up his cross and follow Me.” Mark 8:34
Here we see Jesus gathers everyone together, gets their attention, and provides them instruction. I noticed that before Jesus gave any instruction he first told them that they need to first long for Him. He commands them to deny themselves and become a bondservant, to choose him over their desires, wishes, needs, and people in their life to follow Jesus. Webster’s dictionary defines deny as (to refuse to recognize or acknowledge). When I am denying myself I am not even to acknowledge the things of myself but to solely follow Jesus.
I am reminded of the game “follow the leader”. In this game, everyone’s eyes are looking towards the person in front of them. The followers have no preconceived ideas about where they are to go but only what the leader is doing. It made me question, “Do I have that same undistracted attention on Jesus, my leader or am I thinking about the next move I want to make?”
To apply this to my life, I want to keep my eyes on Jesus, my leader, to see what step He is going to make for me to follow instead of planning for the next step I think He should make.

Saturday, August 13, 2011

So he went out and followed him, and did not know that what was done by the angel was real, but thought he was seeing a vision. Acts 12:9
Peter is in utter amazement that the angel is rescuing him from what he thought was his death sentence just a few moments before. I am astounded that even after the angel struck him and raised him up (verse 7), Peter was still in unbelief thinking that it was a vision. Why did Peter not believe his deliverance was real?
How often does something seem too good to be true and I react in disbelief? When I ask God for great things am I having the faith to expect Him to be able to do it?
 I want to apply this to my life by continually asking the Lord for His faith to expect as well as ask for the impossible. God can answer yes or no but I want to have the faith for whatever He chooses, for God’s answer will be the best for my life and the glorification of the Kingdom.

Wednesday, August 10, 2011

And when Herod was about to bring him out, that night Peter was sleeping, bound with two chains between two soldiers; and the guards before the door were keeping the prison. Acts 12:6
Herod was about to bring Peter out. Herod had just recently killed James so it is very possible and reasonable that Peter should have expected Herod to potentially kill him as well. Peter was currently in prison with not only two soldiers on either side of him but also just outside the door. Even though Peter knew it was not humanly possible to escape and might have to face death, he was sleeping between the two guards. I know that this was at night so I am sure that Peter was tired, but often when I am worried or am facing something that could be very frightening I have a hard time just resting and sleeping.
I was thinking about how Peter knew where his trust needed to be which was in the Lord.  Jesus says to come to Him all who are weary and heavy laden and He will give you rest. It is not good for me to keep worrying about different things in my life because God desires me to give it to Him and He will give rest. However, it takes surrendering from what may seem familiar or comfortable (such as worrying) and allowing God to take it and trust whatever happens will be a part of the ultimate plan He has for my life as well as His glory being magnified.
I want to change how I deal with issues I don’t know what to do about that arise at times in my life. For example, I believe I know what the next step is ahead for me after Potter’s Field; yet, at the same time, this could change.  Instead of worrying about whether I go to college or not, I want to give it to God and rest in Him. God clearly did not desire us to carry our concerns but to give them to Him and have our life fully surrendered to Him no matter what happens.

Now behold, an angel of the Lord stood by him, and a light shone in the prison; and he struck Peter on the side and raised him up saying, “Arise quickly!” And his chains fell off his hands. Acts 12:7
Here we see that an angel of the Lord was right beside Peter and God’s light was illuminating in the prison. I love the fact that God is not limited to what we see. Even though in the previous verse a soldier was on each side of Peter, now it says that an angel was on the side of him. The presence of God is never limited by the world’s boundaries of space and time. God is all present, powerful, and can do anything.
 Another aspect of this verse that struck me was that Peter’s chains fell off after his obedience to rise up. I was thinking how this applies to my life. Before I can be set free of something that is holding me down, I first have to make the choice in my heart to choose God’s way and let go before I can truly experience God’s ultimate freedom.
I want to continually ask the Lord to show me things that I need to surrender to Him so that chains that hold me down at different times of my life can be lifted. This, in turn, will allow my heart and my mind to be more focused on the Lord and His calling for my life.

Then the angel said to him, “Gird yourself and tie on your sandals”; and so he did. And he said to him, “Put on your garment and follow me.” Acts 12:8
Here the angel is commanding Peter to get prepared by putting on his sandals, garment and girding himself before going out of the prison. In Webster’s dictionary it defines gird as: encircle or fasten (as a sword) with or as if with a belt 2. to invest esp. with power or authority 3. prepare, brace
How can this verse apply to me in my walk with the Lord? I was thinking through the meaning of gird, to prepare, brace, or put on a sword. Peter was commanded to physically prepare himself before going out but we are also to spiritually prepare before going out into the world and starting our day. How often do I forget to gird myself with God’s truth and put on the armor of Christ before going out into the world and starting my day?
I can testify to the power of the armor of God. This last fall I went to a community college part time. As I went to my different classes, I really sensed a darkness that I wanted to be lifted. I began to put on the armor of God before I went to my classes and I truly felt the darkness lift. Praise the Lord!
This is a good reminder for me to keep putting on the armor of God because even though I am in a place filled with people of God and safety at Potter’s Field Ranch, I still need have the armor of God protecting me from the fiery darts of the enemy that will try to kill, steal, and destroy. God is so much more powerful than anything, and I need to protect myself with His armor.